Professional Home Health Care Providers

As home health caregivers, we care for many home care patients who have an ostomy. Our care team will routinely help maintain the ostomy bag and the stoma. As a home health care provider, each time we look at the patient’s skin around the stoma when the pouch is changed. Thus, our registered staff ensures a healthy stoma. We will try to improve your quality of life.

How to maintain a healthy Stoma?

Each time changing the pouch, the caregiver professional should look at the skin around the stoma. A stoma should remain moist and pink in color. Moreover, the ostomy bag has a skin barrier. It sticks to the abdomen. Therefore, holding the ostomy bag in place. The size of the skin barrier should be adjusted with changes in the size of the stoma. Immediately take action if the patient feels any irritation.

Why do people need a Colostomy?
Galaxy Home Health Ostomy Care
  • Many people need an ostomy due to cancer, bowel obstruction, or any congenital disability
  • People who suffer from spinal injury need ostomy care
  • Many need to improve their quality of life.

Rather intimidating, ostomy care is second nature for Galaxy Home Health LLC professionals. If any member of your family needs home health care, feel free to contact us.